Good Neighbors.
Lets all try to be good neighbors, after all this is our neighborhood and our families.
Let’s do our best to look out for each other and respect each other.
Below were are the top concerns of our neighbors in Settle Woods.
Please obey the speed limit, the speed limit on the entire length of Elsa Avenue is 25 MPH.
When parking please try to keep vehicles off the road as much as possible so emergency vehicles can get through.
Please be mindful of the noise when having get-togethers and parties at your home.
Please move over and give room to your neighbors walking.
Please be courteous pet owners, besides being the neighborly thing to do, it’s also the law.
Get your animals licensed.
Insure that all pets are vaccinated.
When off of your property, your pet must be properly restrained.
Remember if you must tether your dog outside, do so in a safe and humane manner.
Scoop the poop (and please put in your own trash).
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